[A] <Mischief> | Thur/Sun 8:30 PM EST | Semi-casual


15/15 Naxx, Finishing two Atiesh in era.
9/9 AQ40, First to Ring the Gong on Pagle,
8/8 BWL Week 1 & 11/11 10th on Pagle for Phase 1.

8th Guild on Pagle in Karazhan for TBCC Phase 1
HKM | Gruul Cleared.

As a community we are focused and driven. We strive to help each other and the Server as a whole, making seemingly impossible things happen, like ringing the gong to open AQ, and assisting many of the other 12 Scarab Lords on Pagle along the way.

Raid Times
Sunday, 8:30-11:30pm EST (Server)
Thursday, 8:30-11:30pm EST (Server)

Loot Method
We’re currently using a mix of MS > OS with Class Priorities and Loot Council for Phase 1.

None at this time.

About Us:

Mischief is a semi-core community that has played MMO’s and Online Games together for over 16 years with a focus on progression in a fun, constructive, and helpful environment. Loot and Gold aren’t motivating factors for us, and we are most likely not a fit for you if that’s the only reason you’re playing. We enjoy helping others reach their potential and always seek to improve over our personal bests.

We aim to experience all the content the game has to offer with other like-minded people - taking the time to figure out strategies that work for everyone while having a laugh about it. We raided through Naxx (Up to Saph) during the vanilla days and gave up the progression race for a more laid-back approach to WoW (Read as Got Jobs/Had Kids), after having server firsts through TBC and WotLK including pre-WotLK patch Sunwell Clears.

We value honesty and camaraderie above all else, while being a positive presence on the server and each others time spent gaming.

For More Info message someone on Battle Net or in game at:

Sol#12761 or Offline | Indirect | Iferror in game.
Eisley, Slowplay, Kalaya, Heihu, or Fordrion in game.

Visit us online at:



:small_red_triangle: To the Top!

Hey there!

Father of 4 and full-time phlebotomist, so my hours online are a little hectic at the moment :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:. I am, however, very interested in joining Mischief as your core values appear to be a perfect fit and coincide with mine.

Looking forward to speaking with one of you the next time I have a moment to hop on!

Awesome - Also, that’s a lot of poop.
Let us know the next time you’re in game! :slight_smile:

Bump back to the top of the pile.

Would you say your guild is LGBT friendly?

Hey, no one has ever asked before, can you believe that?

We have members from all walks of life and being respectful towards others is a pillar of our community - Anyone who wasn’t a yes wouldn’t be a memher for long.

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Hey, no one has ever asked before, can you believe that?

We have members from all walks of life and being respectful towards others is a pillar of our community - Anyone who wasn’t a yes wouldn’t be a memher for long.

Completely agree with this. We’re friendly to everyone as long as you’re not harmful to the server, guild, or the community. To second what Offline said, “Anyone who wasn’t a yes wouldn’t be a member for long.”

With all that said… bump

I was a member of this guild and do not recommend joining. If you enjoy playing the game and getting rewarded stay away. The officers and higher ups want nothing but to better themselves. Some members will roll need on gear that is of a different spec / role even if it is not the spec they are playing at the time. Beware this guild.

Hey Terrapin,

I’m sorry we were not a fit for you, I know we spent a lot of time during the leveling process with you in various dungeons and it’s clear we had some differences of opinion in what community focus/player first attitudes mean - I understand your focus was solely to better progress your own character/time in game - and at the end of the day, that’s your prerogative and we’re never going to tell you how you should play the game.

We don’t condone “needing to vendor,” and we’re also in support of our members rolling on gear that would be used for their Mainspec, (I.E. A tank helping DPS a run rolling for their Mainspec) I understand you lost a roll and it agitated the situation after we’d already approached you about not being OK with needing on loot in a Pug just to sell. But coming to a community setting and stating falsehoods doesn’t benefit anyone.

I can only wish you the best of luck with Classic, and hope you find the right fit.

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More lies and this is their leader. You know nothing about me. And I see you know nothing of the situation you’re defending. I rolled need on the polearm from rend, and joked about vendor as it was over 7g and to me that is a lot. Back to the issue in question was a loot item from another boss. Your brother who was in the instance wasn’t mainspec tank he was DPS if he was tank he should of made his intentions known. This is not retail. I urge others who see this To beware of this guild and it’s members. They are not upstanding individuals.

Terrapin’s right, we’re not upstanding individuals. I found out today that I’ve been under tipping for Pizza Delivery at $3 (Apparently it should be $5) - For years now I’ve been taking advantage of this situation and never thought twice. I’ll try do better, but the damage is done. :frowning:

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Your reply is to mock and make light of a fundamental flaw in your guild rather than own up to and realize your own failings as their leader. I honestly didn’t expect much from you but what you haven given is is quite enlightening. That is very grown up of you, it shows you truly do not care and only want others to help you and your cliche get what they need. Hell, sounds like you don’t even know how to tip those in the service industry, god bless your heart.

You’re right bud, I am making light of the situation. I feel bad you’re this upset, and there’s nothing I’m going to say to help that, what I can do is a better job tipping delivery folks now that I know. I really do wish you the best of luck.

Still looking for a few more to round out our MC/Ony raid nights!

Bring your friend, always room for more in the core.

I am intrigued! I might hit you up once I hit 60 and am ready for raiding. :slight_smile:


For sure - We’re more than welcoming to Casual/Social and friendly people overall if you’re wanting to join sooner than later - look forward to hearing from you!

Send more warlocks. :sunny:

Beep boop - We’re starting to look at recruiting for split runs!