About Us
Midnight Caravan is a late night, semi - hardcore, Alliance guild on US - Emerald Dream realm.
We are a band of brothers that have been playing competitive games together for 10+ years and have been clearing World of Warcraft content together since Cataclysm. Midnight Caravan strives to promote a lighter, more laid back atmosphere whilst still being able to focus and kill bosses.
Currently, our main focus is being spent on creating a full Mythic raid team roster but we do plan on creating smaller scheduled Mythic+ and RBG teams later in Shadowlands.
Who are we looking for?
- Players who have raiding experience of any caliber
- At least a 90% attendance to all raids
- Players that play their class to the best of their ability
- Determination when pushing content
- Members that follow guild rules without being difficult
What are we looking for?
- Mistweaver Monk
- Holy/Disc Priest
- Mage
- Hunter
- Shadow Priest
- Rogue
However we will always take dedicated and skilled players.
Raid Times
6:00PM - 9:00PM PST Wednesday and Thursday
To help you get a better idea of the atmosphere and what is expected, these are the guild rules listed in our discord.
Here at Midnight Caravan we pride ourselves on the fact that we don’t have many rules. However, what we do have are expectations when it comes to four key concepts . We believe a balance and blend of these concepts is what turns a good player into a great raider.
Guild First Mentality - This is a game based around teamwork and ultimate reliance on others. If you do not understand this, and care only for your own progression, gear, and identity, Midnight Caravan is not for you.
Performance - As light hearted as we sound, we are still a raiding guild and care deeply about player performance. We want you to be excellent at playing your class, while being attentive, not wiping us, and seeking to always be improving.
Communication - Having the ability to take constructive criticism, along with possessing a thick skin is necessary to raid here. If you cannot take critique, or are easily offended, this is not the guild for you. Beyond raiding, Midnight Caravan is also a community. Players that make a lasting impression are those constantly involving themselves in guild culture.
Conduct - Midnight Caravan is a virtual home. This means respecting every one of its members, trusting its leadership, and helping to promote a healthy and positive raid environment. Drama will not be tolerated and we reserve the right to deal with it as we see fit. Blatant trolling, belittling, insulting with the intent to hurt will result in immediate termination of trial or membership. TLDR; don’t be a toxic moron.
Required Addons
- DBM/Bigwigs
Application Process
Here at Midnight Caravan we don’t make you go through a tedious job application process to play with us, all it takes is a quick talk with one of our officers and if we feel like you can vibe with the guild, you will be sent an invite and put into our two week trial period.
Discord: Shane#0619
BNet: Groovy#11128