A Method (not the guild) to Bring Back Old KSM & PvP Mounts

TL;DR; To get older KSM/PvP mounts, you must reach KSM or whatever the PvP equivalent is, on more than one character. Unlock the current season’s reward first, then on an alt, do it again to choose 1 reward from a previous season. KSM would give the option of older mounts and PvP would give the option of an older mount + the armor set of a season.

I was trying to think of a fair way to earn these, as it make sense they’re locked to the season. There is a way to do so while you still have to do the work to earn them. Let’s pretend we’re starting this in Season 4 of Dragonflight.

KSM Mounts

Season 4, we get whatever lizard we are going to earn for Season 4 KSM. That is the 1st requirement to unlock older mounts. If we earn KSM on an alt, we really don’t earn anything. But what if we received a token that we could then use to get one of the older mounts (maybe even Challenge Mode mounts)?

I don’t know how many seasons there were in Legion or BfA, so each had 3-4. I know SLs had 4. So that being said, there are 10-12 KSM mounts pre DF. Then you have the 2 CM mounts, so 12-14 total. If you wanted to earn all 12-14 mounts in Season 4 of DF, you would have to first get KSM for season 4 DF, then get it another 12-14 times as in on new characters.

But this wouldn’t be a one-season deal. Once the season is over, the older mount would be added to the list. You still have to do the work, and you aren’t getting anything over someone who got it then. M+ difficulty has been roughly the same over the years.

PvP Mounts

I don’t exactly know how they work, but I know you have to have a rating to get Gladiator or whatever. So if rating is similar to IO, same rules. Get it done on 1 character, then repeat it on more to get access to a mount of your choice plus a PvP set of that season (for that class). I don’t know if the PvP gear is lost to time, so just in case.

As long as you are doing the work at content, there’s no reason why you can’t get the older stuff. You didn’t earn it then, so you have to earn it now, but just as my KSM idea, you have to unlock the current season first before you can get the older season’s rewards.

In no way should these be given out in some method like BMAH, Trading Post, or whatever. Do the work required on another character in order to unlock the option of earning more.


If this happened, I would need more ret/prot paladins, because that’s all I know how to play well enough to earn KSM.

Rewards like the AOTC and KSM mounts are two fold. They were not only rewards for being “skilled”, they were also rewards for being there and doing this content while it was current. You don’t have to go achievement diving to know someone that’s riding a purple Deathwalker with gold armor got KSM in SL’s season four. You know this by the color of the mount. Same thing with the armored netherdrake. With one glance you know “damn that dude/dudette has been playing aloooooong time.”

Letting someone earn these rewards whenever the hell they want defeats that purpose.

There are over 900 mounts in the game. Almost every single mount has either a recolor or a mount that’s really similar. The only exceptions I can think of is the Brutosaur and Shackled Urzul. Both are pretty damn unique. Maybe the rooster mount but there are tallstriders and hawkstriders that I would consider “similar.” They’re flightless birds you can ride.

Anyways, with over 900 mounts for each side to earn there is no reason to bring back mounts they said were limited time. Atm it’s roughly 10% you can’t get anymore out of that 900+ count. With them bringing back retired TCG, RAF and shop mounts that percentage is getting smaller.


What’s with all the people wanting legacy stuff?

The entire point is you had to be there, they are basically participation trophies for the folks that played and earned them.


Well it looks like OP has been around long enough to have gotten most of them when they were live anyway.

There are no evergreen systems like that in the game. I’ve had most of that kind of stuff trivialized and have quit caring about pursuing anything that signifies anything special.

You might get a couple of years but blizz don’t care about that kind of stuff anymore. Msoft is in the process of vaporizing wow anyway so there’s no reason to even bother.

The only “time” thing around them was making sure they were still a challenge at that content. Time doesn’t matter because they could bring that entire season back, scale it to now, and it will be similarly difficult. The when doesn’t matter, it’s the earning it by overcoming the challenge to get there.

Incorrect. Participation requires logging on and doing minimal. You have to actually make an effort. I’ve seen groups fail at 12s and 15s.

Yup, and I still don’t care about them because I don’t like pushing alts beyond max level and some mediocre gear so the next expansion’s leveling trash won’t be difficult. I’ve seen others ask for this constantly, but none of them have offered a method of how they’d earn them. My method, it gets more to play alts, it gets more to learn their alt, and it adds more to the queue for those who are just on one character.

Blizzard said they’d never do a lot of things and yet they did.

It doesn’t hurt anyone to do this. You still have to work for it. It doesn’t reduce the value of the mounts obtained at content; their value is already 0 as it is. Personal value is personal, and you can’t sell your account, so again, value is 0.

As long as people have to make an effort, it shouldn’t be a problem. The only things in the game where the when matters would be CE and AotC.

Technically, you could still earn those similar to Herald of the Titans, but with all the changes in talents and random buffs, they may be easier than they were at content. However, CE and AotC give ample time, and if people really want to get either, there are tools to help improve to get in a spot to earn either, or there are those who sell them.

When I wasn’t able to raid, I got into AotC runs. A few I just died as instructed, others I just needed a slot and I did my part to not be carried. I’ve also helped do AotC carries for others in the past. In fact, we did one 2 weeks ago.

I think CE and AotC are good as they are. You still get other rewards for beating the boss after the deadlines. Raids typically aren’t brought back expansions later, tuned and scaled to fit the current tier. Dungeons are, so that’s why this can work for KSM for those who want to take the extra step.

PvP on the other hand, I don’t know enough about high PvP stuff to know if it would work similarly to the KSM method, but again, it’s not going to hurt anyone.

In most games, you can start late, and not miss a thing. You just have to catch up. The content is always there. BotW is the prequel to TotK. You can pick up the first one, nothing will be changed. Then you can do TotK and you’re caught up. WoW only made one major change where that can’t happen, and that was Cataclysm. Even then, we do have dragons that can time travel, so we could technically access pre-Cataclysm zones.

So this whole thing of you had to have been there means nothing for most aspects of the game (with few exceptions).

The overall goal is to make the game as enjoyable an entertaining for as many people as possible. Things like this do not hurt anyone. It will instead make people happy. 10000% guarantee that everyone who says the “you had to have been there” line has gone back to old content to farm transmog, mounts, pets, achievements, et cetera. Stick to your words if you truly believe that. If you don’t get it at content, don’t go back and do it when it’s trivial. Why should some things be ok to go back and farm, like Thunderfury, but others aren’t?

At least with KSM (maybe PvP), there are legit ways to make them still be as challenging now as they were then.

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:dracthyr_no1: :dracthyr_no2:


Honestly, at this point we should probably toss this out. Just make so all reward have like a decade of exclusivity or something but we are now at the point in WoW where old and rarer things like RAF mounts(no not all of us had friends that could be recruited into the cult of warcraft) and trading card stuff are given like candy.

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Be careful, you’ll rile up the “muh pixels are special” crowd.


I disagree. Talents, gear, spells, consumables, enchants, etc. can change from patch to patch. They also add new classes.

A good example is the MT. The weapons and legendaries have been deactivated. You can not duplicate that experience without bringing that stuff back or making a Legion-era server. That’s why there’s different rewards for a different challenge.

What’s interesting to me when people say this is if it’s just “lol pixels” then why do people want them back so bad? It’s just pixels, right? So just forget they exist :innocent:


This obsession with past items is getting old.

They are pixels. They are pixels from past content you didn’t do, for what ever reason. They have zero impact on realty. You need to

Full disclosure, I have none of these mounts or items.


There’s only 5 KSM mounts pre-DF as BfA S4 introduced the 1st KSM mount. Next closest to KSM are the challenge mode mounts from MoP. I’m missing just 1 of the KSM ones, 3 AOTC mounts and all 3
challenge mode mounts. If I can get them now, then cool. If I can’t, I’m cool with that as well. I have nothing against anyone now a days getting those mounts. Not everyone played at the time they were available. I still have the achievements that came with the ones I have, that’s not being taken away because someone can get a mount I got playing the game.

This is definitely one of the few issues you and I will probably never see eye to eye on. It happens. I don’t hold it against you.

I just personally find it silly there’s this notion that certain mounts/mogs are some how sacred just because Blizzard said “limited time”.

I have the majority of limited time mounts/mogs that I want but I think if someone thinks “oh that weapon looks really cool…oh I can never ever get it just because I didn’t happen to be playing during that time”, it’s detrimental to that person’s enjoyment. Yes yes there’s a “million things to farm/acquire” but not that one thing that caught that person’s attention.

For me the only thing I didn’t get that I want are a couple of the MoP CM sets. Class hall sets are a cheap knock off. They’re not even a full recolor. I might be able to handle an actual recolor of the set but what they gave us were a joke.

Anyway, agree to disagree.


Same here. I regret, a little bit, not getting the Mage and Hunter set but I don’t stress about it because I don’t believe I’m a special snowflake that deserves the rules being bent for me. I was subbed during MoP, I did get the warrior set, but I missed out on the other two I wanted. I have nobody to blame but myself.

The mage set is one of the best in the entire game. I was in a guild that honestly could do it at the time, we got AotC but NOBODY was interested in CMs. I had the opportunity to buy a carry for the mage set and in hind sight wish I would have but I didn’t know if I could regain the gold (stupid of me considering what the very next expansion brought…).

Anyway, I think if the sets were brought back in a similar method to earn them, it hurts nobody and only helps the game overall.

I strongly disagree - It removes the incentive of working towards a goal or being having an on going sub.

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On the same token, it also hurts no one to leave them out. Blizzard releases newer and better sets every patch. Take that new witch set coming out tomorrow. It’s 10x better than any set from CM, including the mage’s.*

*Disclaimer: I’m not talking about taste. You might look at that witch set and go “not my cup of tea.” I’m just talking about graphic quality.

Anyways, I disagree it hurts no one. Maybe “hurt” is the wrong word so I’ll say instead that I disagree it upsets no one. It hurts/upsets the people that put in the effort to complete the challenge in the timeframe they were told to do it because they were told they would get an exclusive reward for doing so.

And yes I know there are people that claim they have every removed item ever that doesn’t care if things come back but just how I don’t speak for them, they don’t speak for everyone else either.


It’s not going too so best to not even ask.