A message to the speed racers out there

Found the limey Brit.

Choo! Choo!


Found the boomer.

you don’t need to do those faster than other people which is what is happening now - tanks were never supposed to out dps dps

Why do you keep using a word that you don’t know what it means?

You obviously never played a healer in retail my friend. may i introduce to you MW or resto druid hpriest disc or evoker? only 2 healers who dont use much mana are rshammies and hpals but they also dont heal as much as other healers

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Because it clearly bothers you.

do you know what it means?

because internet raised children speak like everything is in internet slang. Now boomer just means not born in the 2010’s.


Did they fix the mana cost for crusader strike on Holy pally? That ability is pretty mana hungry.

Of course I do.

And because I’m not stupid, even if I didn’t, I could Google it.

There is no excuse for ignorance today when you can look s**t up.

Jury’s out on that one.

Its not as much as it was in BFA hpals and rshammies just dont use mana very much but focus allot more on combos for burst healing basically

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then what does it mean. tell us?

Oh okay thx for sharing.

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No on who is actually good at the game watches twitch streamers, that i can ASSURE you of.

Tell me how this relates to the Giga chad running the dungeon at 100 speed.

and asking game devs to nerf tank damage because they are topping heroic mode dungeons? Tell me you thought about this before typing.

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Thank GOD I was born before 2000.

I’m not saying this because of the fools in these forums either…

People born after 2000 are really, really stupid. Like, scary stupid.

That is tedious work

Let’s go with this, but take the healers into account, since more mana-based dps could either auto or wand to fill gaps. Healers definitely had to keep track of mana, as they still must to this day in higher stakes events. I’m guessing you don’t have experience with healing nowadays?

I suppose this is why everyone can do +25 right off the bat? Or why everyone hits mythic raid achieves the first week they’re open?

I had a tank that was looking for short cuts and skips which just made the dungeon take so much longer. Also, he double jumped away from the mobs and the rest of us were stuck behind a huge pack of trash while he went ahead. All of us just lol’ed in the chat because how does he expect us to get by without no double jump? Lmao.

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