Older Raider, lots of experience, LFG for Tuesday/Thursday nights between 9pm-1am EST Prefer a guild that is late Heroic/Early Mythic BoD.
raiderio /characters/us/suramar/Justkik
warcraftlogs /character/us/suramar/justkik
Older Raider, lots of experience, LFG for Tuesday/Thursday nights between 9pm-1am EST Prefer a guild that is late Heroic/Early Mythic BoD.
raiderio /characters/us/suramar/Justkik
warcraftlogs /character/us/suramar/justkik
If you can raid Wednesday as well, we’re looking for more DPS for the main roster.
Short version: Mythic Guild LFM Raiders
GM/Raid Lead: Xantoniel#1517 on Bnet or Xantoniel#1979 on Discord