[A] Mechanically Challenged 3/8M LF RDPS or Monk/Priest Healer!

Guild Name: <Mechanically Challenged>
Faction: Alliance
Realm: Stormrage [US]
Progression: 2/9 BfD, 3/8M 8/8H Uldir
Raid Times: Tuesday/Friday 9:00pm-12:00am EST (Progression)
Saturday 9:00pm-12:00am EST (Heroic Alt Run)

<Mechanically Challenged> is a newly formed semi-hardcore guild that is composed of veteran players with CE experience! Our goal is to maintain a steady form of mythic progression while being able maintain a two-day raiding schedule. We understand that you may have obligations outside of WoW that may prevent you from coming, just let us know ahead of time.

We are currently in need of the following positions!
Tanks: None
Melee DPS: Demon Hunter/Shaman/Rogue (High Need), Warrior (Low Need)
Ranged DPS: Mage (High Need)
Healers: Mistweaver Monk/Priest (High Need)

What we are looking for:

  1. To be able to make it to at least 90% of the raids.
  2. To have an understanding of your class, and a willingness to improve.
  3. Working knowledge of the mythic and heroic encounters.
  4. Like-minded individuals who enjoy raiding and gaming with each other.

If you are interested in joining, or have any questions contact:

Battletag: Yuneel#11582, Kalivar#1575, Unicornz#1860
Discord: Yuneel#3181, Kalivar#5603, Unicornz20#3047

Looking for DPS

Still looking for DPS!