I’m looking to find a home for playing some tbc. I’ve been playing wow since launch but mostly skipped on classic for whatever reason. I’m here now though.
Class: Mage
Spec: Fire, but that’s flexible
Best Raid Times for Me: Prefer a two nights. Currently available Sun, Tue, Thur, Fri, Sat. Later evenings work best for me with start times at 9:00 server at the earliest.
Other Info About Me: Played retail since 04, just recently came to the classic game. I’ve done every role over the years, though I prefer ranged dps and tanking. I currently run, since 2015, a heroic/low mythic guild on retail that raids mon/wed that I won’t be leaving, but I’ve got the time for both. I just have the mage, and would prefer to play that at the start, but if needed I’m not opposed to re-rolling and grinding out another man.
I’m not really looking for a guild that likes to prove how edgy they are on comms, I just don’t have the energy for the slimier aspects of our community anymore. I play the game with goals in mind, and try to position myself to best help the squad to down the bosses.
Thanks for your time and consideration!
Discord: Haimee Khema#5104
BNET: BonusPoppa#1346