(A) Mage LF guild!


It’s kind of a first for me posting a general LF guild topic. So I’ll give it a shot!

I have been playing this game since early Vanilla and I have always been around. I like to play with some real life buddies of mine that have always been around also since Vanilla. Kind of recently my girlfriend of the past 8 years have started to play the game also with the release of Legion. I guess it’s something concerning Illidan or such…

I came back with the release of TWW, I stopped around mid season 3 of DF. The guild I am currently in is a dead one. I did raid with them back in the days, it was more CE oriented guild.

During some of the xpac I would invest myself into CE oriented guild. That’s not something I am looking forward anymore. I’d prefer something like AotC and maybe first couple of boss into mythic.

Mage has always been my main, I don’t really alt. I am playing frost and I will be 100% honest, I will not be switching spec. I always bring my best and do all the outside raid content to improve my character. I am currently iLvL 613

Here is a little of my past experience for raiding/mythic +. I have listed the relavant one but I raided since Vanilla.

Legion :

  • Emerald Nightmare 7/7M
  • Trial of Valor 3/3H
  • Nighthold 9/10M
  • Tomb of Sargeras 5/9M
  • Antorus the Burning Throne 11/11H

Battle for Azeroth :

  • Uldir 7/8M
  • Battle for Dazar’Alor 8/9M
  • Crucible of Storms (no progression)
  • The Eternal Palace (no progression)
  • Ny’alotha the Waking City 5/12M

Shadowlands :

  • Castle Nathria 6/10M
  • Sanctum of Domination 5/10M
  • Sepulcher of the First Ones (no progression)


  • Vault of the Incarnates (no progression)
  • Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible (no progression)
  • Amirdrassil, the Dream’s Hope 9/9H

The War Within:

Nerub-Ar Palace 8/8N – 5/8H



  • I wasn’t into mythic + a lot during Legion

Battle for Azeroth:

  • Keystone Master season 4


  • Keystone Master season 1
  • Keystone Master season 2


  • Keystone Hero season 2
  • Keystone Hero season 3

The War Within

  • I’m at 1920, should be reaching 2000 pretty soon

So there it is! If you every feel I would be a good fit for AotC progression and/or early mythic raiding. Write me here or message me in-game!

If it’s also something you would be interested in, I would like to point out that my girlfriend is a pretty good player also. Really not CE oriented but she is definitely capable of AotC, KSM, KSH. She plays Augmentation Evoker and she plays it very well. She is also 5/8H progression and around iLvL 610 iirc. She’s around 1750 mythic+ rating atm.

Thank you very much for taking the time to read all of that. Talk to you soon.

Have a good day!

Edit: Just a quick note I forgot. I am looking for a 2 days schedule, between Tuesday and Thursday, between 7pm and 10:30pm EST.

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I think we have exactly what you are looking for, raid time and expectations and desired level of play, for you and or both of y’all.

Hit me up on bnet. SageMoose#11452
Or on discord at Adelastwo

Hit us up! We’d gladly take you both :slight_smile: Discord: ibeblinkin <Hideout> [A] 8/8H NP AOTC+ Focused LF Raiders