[A] Mage LF Guild (Draka/Suramar)

Hey all, returning Mage main just hit 120, 300ilvl looking for a social / laid back / chill / no mandatory raid nights guild (lol). https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/character/us/draka/maagen

I’m a 2012 - 2014 player (actually started around 2009) who decided to resub for a bit and am working to figure out how things work now (I do NOT understand the cross realm thing). I’m mostly interested in experiencing content but not so much interested in end game raiding (I did 40 mans and 10 mans, not really ready for all that again). To give you an idea I’ve been working on gearing up so I can solo legion dungeons so I can finish my class hall quests from legion after leveling out of the content and not being able to queue for instances (stupid idea blizzard, tying quests to dungeons you can level out of after half a zone!). I do enjoy running heroics though and haven’t figured out how that works now either yet… but I will! WTH are Mythic keys?! Is that like the old attunements?

Anyway, if there’s a group of players out there that are laid back and into questing and mount/achievement hunting and things like that and are looking for another, hit me up.