Lucky Few
Pagle │ Semi-Hardcore │ Loot Council │Wed/Thurs 8:40-11:40pm
Raid Times - Wednesday-Thursday 8:40 pm - 11:40 pm EST
Our Goals - We want to clear all of Ulduar as quickly as possible while doing achievements and hardmodes. Efficient runs while doing the hardest content available.
Expectations Of Our Raiders - We are a semi-hardcore raid team, so we expect certain things from our raiders. We look for full and appropriate consume usage, prepotting all boss fights, full focus during trash, and a great understanding of your class. We expect all of our raiders to maintain 90% raid attendance, and with appropriate professions. Invites will be sent out 20 minutes prior to raid, trash will be pulled right at 8:40. If you are not going to be on before raid time you must reach out to an officer.
Loot System - We are a Loot Council guild. We use RCLC. BIS Lists are filled out by all raiders using thatsmybis.
Immediate spot for :
Combat Rogue
Also looking to fill rotating bench:
Any Exceptional DPS will be considered!
Feel free to reach out to any of the following on discord: