Yes, you do.
It’s a company secret, like the Coke recipe.
No, that’s what it does, not how it works.
Yes, you do.
It’s a company secret, like the Coke recipe.
No, that’s what it does, not how it works.
We know that basic, The YouTube algorithm is a recommendation system that ranks videos based on how likely a viewer is to watch them.
… my god your trolling is lacking today.
But you claimed to know how it works and you keep posting what it does, as if you don’t know the difference between the what and the how.
Or are you just being confidently wrong and hoping no one will notice?
The YouTube algorithm is a recommendation system that ranks videos based on how likely a viewer is to watch them.
I know the difference. You are trying to bring in nuances to try and “own” me. We were simply talking about why you get some videos, and it’s because YouTube think you might like them. I’m done repeating myself to you, you don’t listen anyway. You can go on your rant now.
Again, you post what it does, not how it works.
Like, how does it know how likely a viewer is to watch a video?
Correct that’s what we where talking about.
By what the viewer watching and looks at.
No, we aren’t talking about what it does, we’re talking about:
But how does it decide?
You are talking about that, I am not.
Ask YouTube. I’m simply stating how they claim it works.
I know, because you can’t answer me, because you goofed and are wrong, so you shifted the goal posts. Now you’re pretending you said “because that’s what the algorithm does…” Instead of:
No, you claimed to know…
I never said I could.
You are taking things out of context.
No, you said:
Even though you don’t know how algorithms work.
That’s being confidently wrong.
All it takes is reading the whole thing. It’s not hard Hirav.
What you are doing is taking something out of context to troll and push a lie. Do better.
Akatsüki didn’t claim to know how algorithms work though, you did.
It’s like you have selective reading.
Anyone can tell you that everything you do on the internet is due to algorithms, because the internet is algorithms, computers run on algorithms.
The basic algorithm which you couldn’t identify or something similar probably ran on your computer 100 trillion times since we began this conversation.
He’s just being pedantic.
Good think we were talking about YouTube and other such media, it’s almost like there was context that you missed.
Oh, I know I’m just waiting for another unhinged rant.
So you know how the YouTube algorithm works? Not just what it does?
Context bud, it’s there.
No, that’s what it does, not how it works.