A Lot more alliance on during work hours

:smiley: and wonā€™t be home before their EVs die :rofl:

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I donā€™t know about that I donā€™t live in LA anymore, but I love my ford lightning awesome EVā€¦

And when the power went out at my house, I plugged in my refrigerator and my ac unit in the back of my truckā€¦

Ford pro power is awesome

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One difference I saw was that diving in L.A. you had bumper to bumper traffic but it was all going 70mph. In Boston itā€™s a big crawl. Granted that was a few decades back that I was driving in L.A.

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Was this 1980ā€™s

To get from Compton to letā€™s say Redlands California 4 hours and itā€™s 60 miles. During rush hour

And I donā€™t care what time it is malfunction junction where. California 60 and highway 215 meet is such a cluster.

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I think it was the 1970s. I canā€™t remember which highway, I just remember it seeming really strange. Iā€™m sure things have changed since then

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Well for me, I work during the day and evening, butā€¦ Itā€™s not steady work. I work or more properly Iā€™m available for work basically 12 hours 7 days a week from home on the computer, but there isnā€™t always any work. It comes and goes.

I play when there isnā€™t any work to do. Then if something comes in I tab out and take care of it.

I am an administrator in customer support on 4 family horse games. They are small ā€œIndyā€ games and sometimes there is a ton of work and sometimes not much at all. It varies a lot. Some days I only work a couple of hours. Other days more like 4, and on occasion itā€™s 10 or more.

But I play when Iā€™m not working (or doing house stuff.) Iā€™m in California, same as Blizz for time zone info. lol

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i was reading something the other day, about how i forget where in California, but they have to charge their EVs with gas generators because the grid is overloaded. I was like WELL that seems counterproductive.

Alliance player here, many people simply have work schedules other than the typical Mon-Fri 9-5. For example, I work Wed-Sat so Iā€™m often on during ā€œwork hoursā€ on Mondays and Tuesdays.

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Why didnt you do tue-friday? Taking the day off on scheduled maintenance day is poor planning! But it seems like alliance take the day off every day based on the swarms I see when Im online!

When you should be at WORK you slacker.

Not an option at my job, the available shifts are sun-thurs (8 hours), sun-wed (10 hours), Tues-sat (8 hours), and Wed-Sat (10 hours). I prefer 10 hour shifts, and having Monday and Tuesday off is better for doctors appointments and such than Thursday and Friday.