Sup folks, LORE is looking for members to get ready for the launch of classic, we will be a Large casual friendly guild but we will also be trying to build a raid team to eventually dig into the later content . we do have plans to raid into naxx we just do not plan to be cutting edge and any casual members will be free to raid with the raiders once we have certain content on farm later on down the road. Would love to have a PVP team as well but our main focus will be leveling, questing and doing dungeons in a cohesive group .
Our raid times are not decided yet as we do not have a raid team but most likely they will be at some point between 5pm-10pm CST dont plan on raiding 12 hours a night nor 4+ days a week. we will not be a hardcore raiding guild had enough of that back in the day.
if interested check out the discord.
https: //discord .gg/eQxVmFC
Accidentally posted with my bank toon, my main currently is Raelreaps, my original vanilla toon is Raeltank-Dragonblight
Edit: fixed discord link
nobody wants a casual guild for classic? lol
I do, but I don’t. I feel like if I am going to commit to raiding, farming the mats, showing up on time, helping others where needed…if the guild I joined to do that with is branded ‘casual’ from the get-go, I just worry that there will be a lot of people not showing up, showing up late, showing up drunk/high, going randomly afk for no reason, being rude, etc.
I don’t want a guild of cutting edge elitist douchebags and I can’t commit to tons of raiding hours per week, but I want to be in a guild where everyone is considerate enough to pull their own weight. Something ‘hardcore in small doses, for working adults’. I guess…others might feel that way?
21 days ago might have just been a bit early to recruit.
I do hope you fill your roster up though.
But maybe that is the issue.
While your concerns are valid, whereas the guild itself will be family/casual the raid team will be held to certain standards to remain on the raid team however the standards will not be extremely hardcore it will be adult life job/kids friendly but we do plan to progress.
And the biggest issue was me being an idiot lol i didnt make the discord link permanent
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I will be looking forward to it. I was human pally-Fantazy back in those days in guild
will be good to see any old members
oh no someone could show up HIGH how could they ever click buttons on their keyboard under the influence of DRUGS… SHAME
we had a raider back then that was high at all times, and one that was always drunk and your sarcasm is correct it didnt seem to affect their performance much at all lol.