[A] Looking to form a group for mythic dungeons

Good afternoon Alliance members of CC/SoE,

My name is Ith, of < TableTop Inc. >, and I’m a tank looking to form a group to tackle mythic (and mythic+) dungeons during weekday evenings starting at 8pm EST. I run with guild mates, when available, but we haven’t had enough to form a full-group on a consistent basis.

I’m still relatively new to tanking mythics, and have been pugging zeros and low keys: so whether you’re a newcomer looking to dip your toes and learn the mechanics of a regular mythic; or you’re a seasoned veteran trying to gear an alt - all I ask is for patience.

If interested, please contact me or Keira in-game.

This isn’t a guild recruitment post per se, but if you’d like to join that’s cool - we’ve got a good group of folks and cookies, somewhere.
