Hope everyone is as pumped for TBC launch as I am. I’m looking for a group of people with the same goal as myself - to casually raid with the limited amount of time we have. If we want to join a guild or form our own that’s fine, but honestly just having a dedicated group of people that can coordinate through discord/friends list is fine as well. As long as everyone can agree to put forth a solid effort while also realizing this is a game and not to be taken as a job. I want us to be able to play what classes & specs we want and not worry about max enchants, max buffs, max theorycrafting, etc.
Figure we can have multiple 10-person groups running Karazhan and all join up for Gruul/Mag also (rotating people to sit out each time if needed). Eventually we would transition into 25-person raids only as additional phases go live (could still do alt Kara runs if interested). Biggest thing is the time as I know most people run at night, I was hoping we could find a negotiable timeframe close to this.
- Saturday 9am - 1pm EST (Karazhan during phase 1)
- Sunday 9am - 1pm EST (Gruul/Mag during phase 1)
People could still coordinate and run heroics, bgs, whatever during the week and would be encouraged to do so. The daytime weekend slots though are reserved for trying to get the most out of raiding we can while still having a good time. I ask that we all approach this with respect to each other and ourselves, we’re all in the journey together and fighting, belittling, or being a jerk helps no one.
I’m planning on playing either paladin (prot) or warrior (arms or prot if needed). Worst case scenario, even if I can’t find 24-29 amazing people to raid 25-person raids with, I would still love to find 9 of you to do 10-person raids with.
If interested please feel free to ping me in game Odinson#1467, discord Odin#6768, or reply here. Thanks in advance and good luck in Outlands!