(A) Looking for raiding guild

Hello all,
My IGN is Luvix and im a Shadow Priest!! I’m interested in joining a semi-serious Mythic raiding guild on the Alliance, within Emerald Dream. I have previous Mythic experience in Legion and BFA. Previously, I was in a semi-serious Mythic Raiding guild named (A Group of Good Friends) and sadly, the guild broke apart early into Uldir progression. Thus I took a two month break from Warcraft. All in all, My item level is only 376 and my neck is level 32, but I will be grinding both, as time goes on.



Available times
Monday (9pm-12pm EST)
Tuesday (8pm-12pm EST)
Wednesday (9pm-12pm EST)
Thursday (8pm-12pm EST)

Mythic Experience
Uldir 3/8M
Trial of Valor 3/3M
Emerald Nightmare 7/7M
The Nighthold 8/10M

(Apparently I cant post links but i’ll still leave the logs and .IO tabs there :confounded:)