(A) Lock looking to get back into raiding


Because of a lot going on in life I ended up having to quit about mid phase 2, hoping to get back into the raiding scene for AQ. Experienced in everything from MC to Naxx, always get my world buffs prior to raid and consumable when possible (only have some trouble getting flasks at times). I can server hop if I need to as well, so thank ya for your consideration.

What kind of schedule are you looking at when it comes to raiding?

I’m available pretty much any day past 6pm cst. Currently i’m trying to finish my BWL attunement quickly before accepting anything concrete though.

hit me up on disc if you want to talk or get more info on the above post, cham#1337

Just realized I only posted and didn’t send a message. Let me know if our post interests you! Check out the youtube to see our personality. We have a lot of fun, while still making sure we get the job done! Reach out if you would like more info.

We have a sick community on Stalagg-US were the 1 % Alliance that are left, we love world pvp and we are the CLOSEST thing you’ll find to a real WoW classic community everyone knows everyone and are willing to help each other out anyway we can. Our first clear of BWL was with 26 people and now we have a full roster of 40. Were in need of a few people come AQ40. Pm me if you’d like to chat and i’ll go into it into more detail with you :slight_smile: Kathetara#11178

Netherwind NA-PvP / AQ Gates open August 4th [8/8 BWL 48min][LC][World Bosses][WPvP] Recruiting for AQ40. Raid Time: Thursday & Sunday @730 EST 1 Night BWL/MC on Thursdays - discord.gg/yXTwZ6F Apply or you can hit up - Nature#6477 or PlaT#1337 on Discord for more info

What server are you coming from as a few of them are locked for transfers

Despotism on Westfall’s server is looking for wonderful locks such as yourself! We are 8/8 in BWL and 10/10 for puns. We have fun while we clear the current content efficiently.

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions on Discord Lurora#4479 or battlenet Lurora#1908 :slight_smile:

Please contact me on discord if your still looking @GAINZ#2896

feel free to reach out if you have questions