Hi All,
Due to shift changes at work and daylight savings I can’t raid with my current NA guild anymore. I’m looking for a NZ friendly guild with raids ending no later than 10pm AEST. Pref 2-3 days during the week but can make exceptions for the weekend and higher prog (obviously
My XP 5/9M BoD
Will be nice to play the game with less than 200 ping I can’t wait…
Please leave your guild/contact details below. I’ll be in touch if i think you’re the right fit.
Hi Winter, “Rough Around The Edge” is an alliance guild based on Nagrand that is 5/9H.
We raid Thursday and Sunday 7.00 - 9.30 ST.
Let me know if this suits,
Thanks for the offer Baldrick but i’m looking for one further progressed in Mythic 
Still looking!
Hey mate, not quite a 1:1 fit based on what you’re describing, but if you have any flex in those conditions we’d love to have you. Reach out at any time:
<Audacity> Is led by a number of old-school, hardcore players (numerous top 100 world kills) who’ve been playing together for over 10 years. Our focus now is on balancing hardcore progression with our real life commitments so we raid a very focused 2 nights per week to get the most out of that time. We expect everyone to come prepared for raids with consumables, correct mods and have researched boss fights. We are very focused when it’s time to down bosses, but we maintain a very relaxed vibe otherwise . We strike a good balance between getting things done and having a laugh along the way.
Wednesday 8:00 - 11:00PM ST
Sunday 8:00 - 11:00PM ST
For more info please feel free to contact me Skillup#11380
Hey Mate!
If your open to faction changes we would love to have you! On Barthilas Horde, Venture is 4/9M and will be 5/9 tonight! If your up for a chat i can give you more info! Bnet - Adzybaby95#1980