A little confused on Nether Portal opener

Ok so I’ve read guides and watched videos, but I’m getting conflicting information.

One of the guides says to open with demon bolt as usual, then portal, then try to get out as many demons as possible BEFORE you tyrant.

Another guide says to open demon bolt > portal, then use Felguard, Vilefiend, dreadstalkers, then Tyrant, then start spamming 1 shard hand of gul’dans until portal fades

So which is it? Am I supposed to get as many demons out first, then empower them, or empower my big CD demons, and let nether portal do it’s thing with 1 shard HoG?

I’m pretty new to demo, only been playing it for about a week, so any insight from more experienced warlocks would be very appreciated.

I like the nether portal build a lot for raids, so I wanna make sure I’m using it properly

this is a great start. but after you dreadstalkers do 1 cast hand of guldans and continue until you have 5 seconds left on your nether portal. Tyrant at that very moment to maintain all of the demons.
Then if you run baleful invocation cast 2 more HoGs

If running demonic strength:
Pot at 4.5 secs > DB at 4 secs > Demo Str > NP > GR:F > SumVile > Call Dreads > Tyrant > 1 shard hands until NP ends.

If running bombers:
Pot at 4.5 secs > DB at 4 secs > NP > Bombers> GR:F > SumVile > 2x SB > Call Dreads > Tyrant > 1 shard hands until NP ends.

I am not suggesting this is the the absolute best (I ran into that issue with the guides as well), but this is what I’ve found works best for me.

Also keep in mind this varies whether or not you are lusted and whether or not you have Baleful invocation. In general, without lust and without baleful it’s waving a shadow bolt between each demon after portal to get a 3 shard HoG into tyrant right around 4 seconds left on portal; with enough haste you also do this with baleful since you can fire off 2 more hogs before it ends. Otherwise don’t mix in SBs, get your demons into tyrant into double hog. With lust I like to spam a few 1 shard hogs before tyrant depending on the fight.

Hopefully that wasn’t too confusing.