A little bit fustrated

Why am I getting “character not found” on my account, but my wife is able to log in just fine into the same server? Are we not both on the same server? This kind of sucks since we both play together.

every one of my friends/guildies is on, and my game doesnt have my characters on any realm and everything is blacked out

Its a bit wierd that its just some characters and not everyone.

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well yeah, my game pretty much broke from this crap :stuck_out_tongue: and ive done everything i can possibly do to fix it, such fun!

Yep in the same boat here characters not found :confused:

it work for me just remove your Addons

I don’t have any…

they are all disabled

I delete all of them for twitch and reopen the game and log in

at least you all can do something. tried to make a new character, logged into it and i can’t do anything at all. not move, no “Boat” nothing. such bull!

This is a known issue and we have a main thread for this here.

Let’s move the discussion over the main thread to help keep the reports centralized to one thread. This will help with tracking and reporting on our end. Thanks for your reports! Closing this thread as duplicate.