- The friends list isn’t showing anybody who isn’t on your bnet
- Chat box keeps resetting, for example it keeps switching on services despite having it switched off.
- Our health bar doesn’t show numeric values or percentages and we have to keep switching it on.
- Our target’s target doesn’t show anymore and again, we have to keep switching it on
- I did 8 Timewalking dungeons last week, but my vault was empty come reset.
- Mouse doesn’t work on occasions, cannot click anything or move camera from left to right. Have to/reload or relog for it to work.
If there’s any others that I’ve missed, please feel free to include them. Thanks.
Bug Report and Tech Support forums are full of this stuff. As things stand I am NOT playing that Plunderstorm thing, partly as a boycott and yes, I know, Blizzard won’t care.
It’s more than just cities - but the cities are super annoying.
A friend and I were in the Cobalt Assembly area getting some rep, we switched shard many times - to the point were losing loot - and hence rep.
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Helping bump this post, the OP has neatly organized the list of all the bugs I am also experiencing.
also the mature filter is bug along with the things everyone have said and bliz act like they dont care
New bug added to the list.
No splintered sparks from pvp.
All that and name plates are bugged too …
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I keep having map trouble on my main level 70 in DF zones. I go look at the map to see exactly where I’m at and it doesn’t show me at all. It’s still happening and this started last Tuesday March 19th Maintenance. I also need my friends list back it’s still gone as well.
Blizzard has basically ignored WoW since Plunderstorm launched. Not one bug fix or even a response for a week.
I can’t say I am feeling positive that there will any fixes later at reset.
While I’m not getting all of these bugs, I am getting the health bar numberic values resetting to zero, and also not listed; my tutorials get turned on EVERY time i use the Plunderstorm mode.
nameplates disappear beyond 50 yards range. just gone. in battlegrounds you basically cant tell where anyone is at any time unless they’re within ranged attack range.
unplayable. and bliz doesnt say shot to address all the issues since over a week ago
ive cancelled all 4 of my subscriptions, and encourage everyone to do the same. youll still be able to play til the renewal date hits, but dont think they wont see and move to fix it when they see 10s of thousands of people threating to stop paying them
As far as I know, the outline mode hasn’t been fixed either. There’s work arounds by adjusting some settings, but it’s still broken. I guess the blunderstorm is the only thing they care about since anything to do with that gets fixed immediately.
dont forget there are keybinds being swapped between alts and now half my toons have my rogues keybinds for no reason
I just got a new one: After sending mail to an alt on a different realm, trying to send mail to the same alt again, I received an error message in red near the top of my screen that read, “You cannot send mail to that realm”.
sounds to me like the complete exodus of talent at blizzard has started to cause a general meltdown of the game.
im annoyed as hell that customer service isnt even talking about the nameplate issue. has this not happened to EVERYONE? i cant imagine how a raid would function if you couldnt even see the friendly nameplates, nor enemy nameplates beyond 50 yards