[A] <Lions Vengeance> PVP/PVE

The Horde has committed countless heinous attrocities. We remember the First War, the Second War. We remember Southshore, Gilneas, Theramore, Teldrassil. How much more devastation and ruin will the Horde continue to bring so long as they exist? There are some among the Alliance who desire peace and diplomacy, but that time has passed. This world will not know peace until the Horde is no more. We will bring about it’s end.

About Us:

<Lions Vengeance> is a newly formed guild centered around PVP/WPVP, while also taking part in M+ keys and potentially forming a raid team in the future. We are all about taking the fight to the Horde, defending our lands, and having a good time while doing it. We encourage everyone in the guild to have War Mode on to help create an alive open world for WPVP. Our guild base is Goldshire in Elwynn Forest, where people can chill, duel, and defend from Horde when necessary.

How to Join:

Contact me ingame when I’m online or on my BTag JSouth25#1327. If you have Twitter, you can DM me on @JackFromED as well. You can also get in touch with my Co-GM Reluctor. We’re pretty small rn and just formed, but we’re looking to grow and get lots of players to PVP and have a good time.

For the Alliance!
Looking forward to fighting along side you killers soon. For the Alliance!
Hey jackyboy, nice to see you around again!
Jacks a good guy. Wish him the best and his new guild :)
Good luck bro. You need assistance with anything lemme know. ;)
Thanks for the kind words guys!

We are trying to do something Alliance side bro, a bunch of us smaller guilds going out on patrols together and hopefully grow enough and gel enough to at least stand up to the Horde war machine which is dominating right now.

Mainly to get numbers for WPvP from all ED folks.

It's still in the planning stages but there is a lot of interests from multiple crews would love to have your crew aboard.
10/28/2018 07:59 AMPosted by Strongbow
We are trying to do something Alliance side bro, a bunch of us smaller guilds going out on patrols together and hopefully grow enough and gel enough to at least stand up to the Horde war machine which is dominating right now.

Mainly to get numbers for WPvP from all ED folks.

It's still in the planning stages but there is a lot of interests from multiple crews would love to have your crew aboard.

Would love to be apart of it! Gonna keep recruiting so we can have a decent number to run with you guys.
Good guild. Good GM. Join right now.