"A Light in the Dark"(main story, cannot see anything about it but other than its on the list)

So the quest shows on the list but i got no indication of where to go or what to do. Halp!

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Also having this issue. No map markers. Tried disabling all addons, reloading, relogging, and abandoning the quest.


Nice… If i get it right, because of minutes some players get the new race and most of us don’t…

E: I was way more triggered than i should be and now I’m a little embarrassed. Just after I posted, I logged and it was fixed. :sweat_smile:

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This was supposedly re-enabled but I can’t see it either and I’ve not only relogged, but restarted the entire game client lol

Aha – Edit here: I had to actually fly over by the coreway and then it abruptly recognized there should be a quest there. Kind of ‘phased’ in. So if anyone else still struggles to get it to pop up and sees this post, give this a shot!


Still isnt showing up after you claim its fixed. 100% current on the quest just not showing up whatever the next step is.

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Still not seeing it either on any toon. This is kinda infuriating

Edit: Have logged out, logged out of bnet, reset everything…nothing. Blizz…what the deuce?

Did you give flying over there by the Coreway a shot like I mentioned above? It’s what triggered it to finally recognize for me.


I finally got it. I was in the coreway, I flew around back and forth even. I finally left, flew down through the coreway, and back up after descending and it worked. We should not have to go through all this for a quest, sheesh.

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I’ve tried all the things. Logged out and in, restarted bnet launcher, my computer, I’ve been flying around Coreway, flew all the way down and then back up, took an FP to a different zone, then took an FP back. Still can’t get it to appear. Super annoying.

EDIT: i was sitting in Dorn and I guess something phased me. Quest popped up. Didn’t do anything though aside from just sit and wait.

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this fixed yet ? still cant see

Same thing I’m tracking but i’ts still not showing anything/anywhere but the map/questlog no addons, haven’t been on since they said it was turned off.

Can confirm this works. For some reason, it doesn’t show up on the map or pop up for you. You just have to go to the NPC and manually grab it.

Yeah this worked. she just standing there.

Worked perfectly! Thank you

Thanks for this. Worked for me too.

I can confirm this worked for me. I had to fly on my mount (not taxi) from Ringing Depths to Dornogol through the Coreway and everyone was magically there. Thank you random player for providing a solution to such a stupid problem.

I had the same issue until i did the beginning of the new weekly quest for disc fragments and then it showed up in front of me when i came out of the vault of memory,