A - Light based guilds available?

So I’ve been loving playing my Paladin and I feel like I’m finally ready to look for a guild. Doesn’t have to be anything crazy hardcore about it but something more aligned with the ways of the Light.

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Argent Vanguard are good folks!


I also must recommend the The Argent Vanguard. I always enjoy rping with them.


Hi there! Makes me so happy to see folks recommending us, I’m probably biased but I think the Argent Vanguard are a fantastic group of people. We run multiple events a week typically, with our big campaign nights being Saturday and mission nights or casual RP whenever the most people are available during the week. We also attend the Alliance guild fairs in Stormwind and we’ve got a discord as well, for organization, hang out space, and writing! Feel free to drop me a note in game.