[A] Life is about finishing what you started ! LF 1 RDPS CE SIRE

We have 1 Full Time Spot opening up for Sire CE & 9.1. We are solid group of raiders that have forged this raid team together by raiding every week for the last 5 years.LF 1 Ranged DPS for Tue/Wed/Fri and Mon if nescessary for CE kill. We finished Friday’s raid with 2 ,P3 15%. Raid days and times are Tues & Wed 5:45 Pacific or 8:45 EST is when we start forming up. First pull is at the top of the hour. Friday 6 Pm Pacific (9 pm EST to Midnite). We raid for 3 hours each night. We provide Cauldron, Feast, Runes, Oils, Pots, Repairs, and a solid raid environment. Discord only Horse#5014 or our Raid Leader Thoir #Zeack4162. We will consider any exceptional player as well. We are losing a good friend and top notch player (baby inc) so this is a full time spot for CE , reclear ,and 9.1. If you need help with the server transfer/faction change, I can help. If you have a strong raiding history but not as far us progression wise ,please feel free to reach out to me. Thank You, Horse GM of Braveheart US Silvermoon and Mok’Nathal (Drak’thul, Hydraxis, Borean Tundra, Shadowsong, Skywall, and Terenas are “connected” ).


Bump it up … #ZEACK#4162

Bumping it up to the top

Bumping it up to the top

Bumping it up .

Bumping it up to the top .

Bumping it up .

Bumping it back up .

Hey Horse!

Predictive Gaming [AoTc 9/10M CN] is a semi-hardcore mythic progression guild that is looking for new family members!

Although the guild is new, its members are not. Predictive Gaming’s founding members have been playing WoW together for over 10 years and have achieved Cutting Edge together in numerous past tiers. The goal of this close-knit community is to gather quality over quantity with its future raiders, and find members that fit in with the existing team.

We are a tight-nit, friendly community of players who enjoy all kinds of content, but we strive to maintain a competitive roster for our Mythic team. Our goal is to grow and experience content together, while raiding on a laid back schedule. Our ultimate goal is CE every tier and we are recruiting to make that a reality.

Current progression and raid times:
Tues & Fri: 9:00 p.m. - 12:00 a.m. EST (Rarely extend)

We are currently recruiting a resto sham/ Disc priest, Lock/mage, warrior/hunter and maybe an off tank for mythic progression but any exceptional applicants will be considered!

We also have an alt friendly or Casual Team that does a Heroic clear on Saturdays at 9:00 p.m. EST. If raiding isn’t your thing, we have an RBG team and M+ groups running weekly!

If interested please fill out the application linked below or for more information, feel free to contact our:

Recruitment Officer:
Btag: Veni2399#1206
Discord: Venividivici#7990

Raid Lead:
Btag: Wishkins#1359

Guild Lead:
Btag: Swagner#7414

Why the Hell are you tagging my recruiting post with yours ? Delete your reply and learn how to post your own original thread .

Main Spot still open for CE

Bumping it up .

Bumping it up .

Bumping it up to the top.

Move it up to the top .

Bumping it up .

Bumping it up to the top of the list

Bumping it to the top of the list .

bumping it back up the top of the list

taking a bump back to the top .