[a] lfg h/m


I’m a long returned player from vanilla times, came back at the tail end of BFA and got AOTC Nyalotha through pugging. Due to life circumstances I’ve been unable to really join a guild, but no longer! I’ve been pugging my way up on multiple characters through M+ however I’d really like to be apart of a solid team. I am 4/10 Heroic CN and can play a variety of specs. I am very interested in learning how to improve my gameplay.

210 RDruid / 209Boomkin (nightfae)
205 Frost Mage (venthyr)
203 Aff/Demo lock (night fae)
202 VDH (kyrian)
188 Assassin Rogue (venthyr)

I’d prefer evening raid times and staying on Lightbringer. I would like to develop the rogue for next tier, as I’ve had the most fun playing it.

Contact through bnet would be best :slight_smile: cloudchant#1510