[A] LF Weekend Raid

Hi Everyone

Veteran player looking for a weekly Sunday raid here in Shadowlands as melee dps.

I fell in love with Demon Hunters towards the end of BFA and although I understand they’re not as strong now as they have been in the past I am still really enjoying the class.

Throughout BFA my focus was enjoying Mythic+ dungeons on a variety of different classes. I participated in some raid content at various levels, but Legion was my last experience being part of a regular raid team.

As an experienced tank I can offer some backup tanking skills when required (tanking will be my main focus in Mythic+ dungeons), but I am primarily looking for a dps position in raids.

Work and family commitments prevent me from taking part in raids during the week, which is the reason I am here looking for a weekend group.


Battletag: Nate #13836