I came into the game playing TBC and with retail the way it is, I have leaned towards TBC classic with preparations into finding a good place for WOTLK .
At present, I am trying to find a server and guild that has what I am looking for.
I know that this server is alliance heavy and while I tend to stray from the mega one-sided faction population I want to see what Pagle has to offer.
I am a casual player with the ideology that real life comes first & on various days but my time of play is mid-evening to early am. Mostly weekdays. I am very alt friendly at present no interest in raiding as I am re-rolling and plan on taking my time & enjoying the game once I find a server.
Looking for:
-Alliance ONLY
-A server that is active between the hours of 9 pm to 4 am. So it doesn’t feel like a ghost town.
Guild wise
-Casual Social guild with an active mature & friendly non-toxic atmosphere that enjoys running things together & having fun.
Thanks for reading.