My guild died and I am on a small population server where the pug raiding scene is basically only during times that I can’t make. So I’m a homeless player looking for a better server.
I’m looking for a few things. I want a server that has a good number of pug raids going on. I’m thinking AQ20/ZG/BWL/MC at the moment my characters aren’t really ready for AQ40. Bonus points if the server has day time pug raids. My main play times vary between 9a-4p EST and 10p-1a EST.
I’m open to trying out a new guild but mainly am looking for a good active raiding server first.
I would suggest Whitemane. Have been on that server since launch and there are pug raids forming all over the place.
You didn’t mention your class but we are looking for a fury warrior for our evening raid team: T/TH 7p-10p PST. Could also use other DPS classes, depending what it is though.
Check us out [A] [BENEDICTION] <STING> T/TH Morning & Evening Teams LF 1xMT 1xDPS 1xHeal
Thanks for the suggestion. I do not have a warrior.
If you’re late night play times are 10est you might enjoy Atiesh. Its a west coast server but I see all kinds of pugs, even pug aq40s! Wipes on Trash is also recruiting to fill out our raiding team as well
we do Wed @ 7 for BWL and AQ40 is Fri @ 7 and Sun @ 6 (Except this week because of halloween, we’re skipping BWL and doing AQ40 wednesday as far as we can go)
Add me on discord if you wanna chat more Vocifera#0254 and you can always check out the Atiesh server discord too! It’s decently busy
Thanks for the response. I’ll keep your server in mind. I don’t know if I can commit to 3 nights of raiding a week though.
Pagle is the highest populated Alliance server and has pugs going constantly, times vary from day time to late night. Definitely potential to find almost anything you want.