Yo-Hello, myself and a few others that play games together just jumped over to this server and are looking for a nice place to rest. We enjoy raiding and doing M+ content mainly. ideally we would like to join a guild together and grow together while doing raids and mythics with our new guild.
Our Availability
Weekdays / Weekends
8:30PM - 1:00 AM EST
Druid Resto / 396 - Winstoon
War Tank / 397- Whathoww
Mage / 392 - Rykhann
Discord - Winsten#4042
Bnet - Winster112#1224
we dont wait for nerfs is an AOTC raiding guild looking for healers and Dps for our raid team. We are currently 7/8 on heroic with raid times tues/thurs 8pm-11pm est and an alt raid on the weekends. If you are interested please message me or our raid leader on discord
Bandito#5208 raid leader
Hi! Not sure your interest but i and a few friends have recently (this week) started our own guild . We’re putting a team together to quickly reclear heroic and then get into mythic. We left our previous guild with aotc and 2/8m so i expect that once we get started raiding, progression will go quickly until Mythic.
If you’re interested you can put an app in here:
https:// forms.gle/CCGhMB4ySVnFTG696
And our recruitment post here:
<Scarlet> Brand new CE Startup LFM
Alternatively you can message me on Discord: Offworld#1943
Ill add you on discord too!
Hi Winstoon - We’re putting together a new AOTC team at SPUN and think you could be a good fit
I’ve posted some details below so you can take a look. If you’d like to hear more about our guild, the raid team, and vibe, and our goals - contact me to talk more on Discord! Devonellah#0195
SPUN is a new rapidly growing guild with a friendly and engaging environment! Our mission is to create an atmosphere that allows our team members to take their talent to the next level! We’re a community that loves to run keys, share art and music, and hang out in Discord between raids.
—About our AOTC raid team—
Our team will be focused on achieving AOTC for Season One. This is a unique opportunity to join a fantastic group of people that will help you grow as a raider and be a part of a fast-growing guild on Stormrage.
As members of SPUN, you are important to us, and our leadership will provide cutting-edge tools to analyze our performance as a team and paths to growth.
—Raid Times—
Friday: 8:30 p.m. - 11:30 p.m. EST
Saturday: 8:30 p.m. - 11:30 p.m. EST
Hi There
i would have main spec spots for each of you.
One Night Affair is a new AOTC focused guild raiding only 1 night a week.
8/8N 7/8H
Raid Leader is a former mythic and CE player. We will focus on using our limited time with efficiency and effectiveness, while maintaining a fun stress free environment.
Many Mythic+ KSM minded players.
Recruitment is currently open for:
All DPS Roles.
Raid times: Tuesday night 08:30-11:30 EST.
Contact Lucast
BNET: Lucast#1127
Discord Lucast#0562 (Preferred contact method)
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