Retail player since 2006 just rolled a Druid on Pagle and I am interested in finding a guild that raids casually. I am available Tuesday and Thursday from 8:30 to about 12:00 est. I was planning on playing a resto Druid unless someone tells me that was a bad choice. I dismissed the whole classic idea but have to admit it feels good. Anybody that thinks I could be a good fit let me know. Thanks
Rebirth is recruiting still. We are not a casual guild when it comes to raiding. We are progressive minded we do have a casual schedule. We do have a very good social environment. The social environment is just as important as the raid environment.
Suffer well is a pretty laid back group. We raid wed and sun 9:30-midnight. Great group of friends who understand life happens. Hit me up in game for an invite.
Do Not Release is fun. Its a weird family tbh. We raid mc and ony on friday nights and bwl on saturdays. Loot council, but all our druids are geared. Message Aceblink