A lesson in Responsibility bugged

I was working on side quests and collecting when I ran into a bug on the quest A Lesson in Responsibility. I am unable to click the shrub. I looked up videos and as far as I can tell it should just let you click it, however no matter what character I’m on and what I try I’m not able to complete this. I tried abandoning it, reloading, closing the game, trying new characters. Nothing. Does anyone else have this problem or know a work around?


Same, can’t interact with shrubbery at all.

Having this problem, as well.

Also unable to interact with the shrub

I am also unable to click on the Shrubbery.

Standing on this damn bush right now and can’t click it

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I am also unable to click on the bush

I also cannot click the bush

Also cannot click on the shrub

Can’t click.

Same, still no workaround?

Want click bush. Bush no clicky. Pls help.

The bush worked fine for me, the part about collecting incense from a lvl 70 zone, as a lvl 25, didn’t work so well.

I went to wowhead.com to figure this out and followed the suggestion of going War Mode getting the Shrubbery, and the going out of War Mode. This worked on the first character I tried, but not this time. I tried War Mode, then logging out and logging back in, then War Mode and logging out/in. Still nothing. Haaalp!