08/25/2018 07:59 AMPosted by
The website's has been updated to include the Kul Tiras Marine Field Manual prominently in the Lore Section
Some of the chapters are still being written, but the full version should be up soon!
Impressive website - There is a lot of passion behind this cause
However, there will be no mercy on the field. Especially so knowing that Hyperion dons your colors now.
08/25/2018 09:20 AMPosted by
08/25/2018 07:59 AMPosted by
The website's has been updated to include the Kul Tiras Marine Field Manual prominently in the Lore Section
Some of the chapters are still being written, but the full version should be up soon!
Impressive website - There is a lot of passion behind this cause
However, there will be no mercy on the field. Especially so knowing that Hyperion dons your colors now.
I spent years purging orc filth from the coastlines of Durotar. My zealousness will be tripled if you dare defile my homeland with your unclean ilk. Back to an Outland cave with you and your kind!
((Guild has definitely a lot of passion created over the years for Kul Tiras as evidenced by their website. Any new recruits wanting to join me in a series of boot camps in order to graduate to a Marine would be welcome! A great established RP-PvP option.))
The Lord Tact approves of your militia, Kul'Tiran. Death and blood are exaltation. Let the Aspect of Blood direct your blade! Become an instrument of salvation!
08/25/2018 09:20 AMPosted by
08/25/2018 07:59 AMPosted by
The website's has been updated to include the Kul Tiras Marine Field Manual prominently in the Lore Section
Some of the chapters are still being written, but the full version should be up soon!
Impressive website - There is a lot of passion behind this cause
However, there will be no mercy on the field. Especially so knowing that Hyperion dons your colors now.
We stand with all the sons and daughters of Kul Tiras! Death to the Blackbloods!
((We are self-admitted Kul Tiras nerds - we always thought that Kul Tirans had the most interesting culture of all the human kingdoms and we're very happy to see that Blizzard kept true to that!))
More Clean-Up to add another one of our occupational divisions. Also updated one of our ranks (from Recruit to Cadet) to better reflect the ranks as seen from in-game NPCs.
I really should have reserved the second post at the beginning of this thread.
Proudmoore Academy
Drill Instructors and Cadets, educating & training new Kul Tiras Marines - the tip of the spear of the Kul Tiran armed forces.
I've been doing quests for these guys the last few weeks. They provided me enough XP for 10 levels - highly recommend them.
08/29/2018 08:21 AMPosted by
I've been doing quests for these guys the last few weeks. They provided me enough XP for 10 levels - highly recommend them.
We hope you enjoyed the Darkwater Waders you received for your very important efforts. Please excuse the residual odors from the previous owner.
KTM will be returning to Stormwind for the evening and attending the Meet & Greet this coming Sunday 9/8/18 at the Pig & Whistle. I'll also be answering questions at the Discord Q&A.
Everyone should come out and partake in the festivities!
Glad to always have the marines as allies to the Clan. Great runnin with ye guys tis Sunday, hopin' to fite more with ye lads and lassies!
Glad to always have the marines as allies to the Clan. Great runnin with ye guys tis Sunday, hopin' to fite more with ye lads and lassies!
Putting the greenskin filth and their stinking band of savages and traitors in their place puts a smile on this old Paladin's face - especially while we fight alongside our brave allies in Clan Battlehammer!
excerpt from Kul Tiras Marine Field Manual: Beastiary & Zoology
IX. Pandaren
aka "Furry Fat F****", "Fat Bastards"
Native to the island of Pandaria, the Pandaren have traditionally lived in isolation until recent years when the now-dead Orc Warchief Garrosh Hellscream went on a murderous rampage on the island along with the rest of his greenskinned minions. Since then, some Pandaren have remained neutral, while others have joined the Alliance or Horde.
Physical Attributes:
Morbidly obese and covered in thick white, black and brown fur - essentially bipedal bears. Pandaren possess an extremely thick bone structure to sustain the weight of their obscenely overweight bodies, yet are uncharacteristically agile and swift-footed for animals so thick in the middle. It is best not to underestimate the agility of a Pandaren, as they are often not what they appear.
Behavioral Traits:
Insatiable appetite has resulted in the development of a large fishing and agricultural community in Pandaria to be able to sustain the unhealthy and excessive eating habits of it's inhabitants. Pandaren are generally quite peaceful and prefer to stay out of the affairs of others - with notable exceptions such as those who have enlisted with the Horde or Alliance. The loyalties of Pandaren are always suspect, and should only be relied upon and trusted once they have proven their loyalty and sincerity.
The Pandaren addiction to food can be exploited for interrogation purposes, with deprivation of food while also teasing the prisoner with a freshly cooked meal often being enough to break even the most strong-willed of Pandaren. Due to the prevalence of Pandaren within the Alliance, it is best to withhold the use of Advanced Interrogation Techniques unless the situation requires it.
A history of teachery and collaborating with the enemy makes Pandaren a people who should always be regarded with suspicion and distrust unless they are able to prove their loyalty through many instances of strong demonstrations of their allegiance. Insatiable appetite makes them impractical to incorporate into a military unit, as they consume many times the rations required by even the most voracious Kul Tiras Marine.
The Library section of the forums has been updated with the newest lore relating to the destruction of the Third Fleet of Kul Tiras:
This is a significant retconn of what was previously established canon from the novels and Vanilla/Cataclysm quests in the Wetlands, and will most likely play a role in some of the story of BFA as the expansion continues.
Those wanting to experience this part of the lore for themselves will have to play through the Horde war campaign.
A fine group a'folks here. While weve not quite reached PackHammer status these are sure fine allies an if yer no dwarf an' looking fer a home give this troop a shot.
09/12/2018 08:13 PMPosted by
A fine group a'folks here. While weve not quite reached PackHammer status these are sure fine allies an if yer no dwarf an' looking fer a home give this troop a shot.
Thank you for your kind words! We're looking forward to this Sunday and scouring some greenskinned filth off the surface of Azeroth alongside our dwarven allies.
((just popping to say KTM is cool dudes +1))
((just popping to say KTM is cool dudes +1))
I have your chicken. It tasted good.
Bumping for fun guild and to throw my btag at the guild master
psssst wanna set up some even wpvp / rppvp (when we get our bfa story ironed out) sometime soon?
09/19/2018 12:38 AMPosted by
Bumping for fun guild and to throw my btag at the guild master
psssst wanna set up some even wpvp / rppvp (when we get our bfa story ironed out) sometime soon?
Definitely! I'll be online tonight.
I've a got a Troll Druid just waiting to be a buff Kul Tiran, once that happens I'd love to join
09/19/2018 11:27 AMPosted by
I've a got a Troll Druid just waiting to be a buff Kul Tiran, once that happens I'd love to join
Excellent choice! I'm actually planning on race changing my Worgen druid to a Kul Tiran druid... those wicker beast forms are pretty awesome.
Hit us up when you're ready!