So this thing is pretty cool:
Blizzard stream about Kul Tiran culture!
Check out @Wowhead’s Tweet:
best of luck to ya’ll!
3/12 - the new KT Allied race finally arrives.
ya’ll are sexy
Kul Tiran Human intro cutscene!
Not that I’m biased or anything crazy like that, but Kul Tiran shamans have the best looking totems of any race:
A demonstration of the Kul Tiran 5-finger salute.
Those are cool totems, but I am still bummed that the Kul Tirans have Shaman and not Paladins.
I am really loving the art this expansion. Most of my alts are kitted out in 7th legion or Darkshore warfront gear. Plus it is just nice to be fighting in Kul Tiras alongside KTM.
Kul Tiran Human allied race coming tomorow 3/12/19!
Track your attunement on WoWhead -
Unlock Requirements:
- Exalted reputation with the Proudmoore Admiralty.
- Complete the Alliance War Campaign (through Tides of Vengence)
- Get the A Nation United achievement by completing the major questlines in Kul Tiras.
- Must have a 110 character on the server you’re making your Kul Tiran human.
Kul Tiran day has arrived!
Kind o’ a shame they cannae beh pallies.
Indeed… maybe one day -_-
Nearo, surrounded by ‘is new towerin’ subordinates an’ warrant officer Kul Tirans, looks distan’ an’ sad as he issues 'is commands.
It’s not the size of the boat, it’s the motion of the ocean!
Aye, it’s th’ beard on th’ inside.
Professor Brown, the astute academic professional, is ready to serve the KTM as a proud civilian member.