is a semi-hardcore raiding guild that strives to have fun while also efficiently clearing content and always looking to improve ourselves. currently we have MC/ONY/BWL/ZG all on FARM!
Knightmare has been raiding since Vanilla days and we also have experienced members from private servers that have extensive knowledge of each raid.
We pride ourselves on respecting one another firstly and secondly we love having fun during our raids, we do not tolerate any kind of drama in our guild.
We currently have one active raid and clear BWL and MC on Saturdays starting @ 7:00pm est, Sunday we raid at 7:00pm est for Onyxia and cleanup MC.
- We are currently recruiting for our Saturday/Sunday raids.
- We are looking for Holy Pallys, Holy Priests and Mages, Warlocks. Other classes can apply as well.
- Come and get ready for Phase 5 / AQ40 and AQ20!
- If you are interested in joining our ranks, please join our Discord via the link below and reach out to an Officer today!
- We don’t tolerate any sort of toxic behavior, hate speech, racial slurs - anything like that has no place in our ranks
- We expect you to act respectfully on the server.
- Come prepared to raid on time.
Please visit our discord via https:// discord. gg/ ct2pcHG and ask to speak to an officer for more infomation or reach me directly @
Discord Vinny#5924 and Bnet Vinny#1281 .
Thank you;)