[A] Kingsman is recruiting!

**<Kingsman> **
is now recruiting! We are a group of friends who’ve formed a guild for casual/semi-hardcore weekend raiding during TBC through Wrath. As a PvE focused guild, we wish to clear content at an efficient pace while remaining true to the relaxed theme. We want to create a good raiding environment for our players. Currently we are all 11/11 Kara and 2/2 Gruul’s, filling out our roster of (currently) 21 to hit up Mag’s and farm the rest of the tier out.

Loot System:

  • Loot Council. Our gearing is based on performance and reliability - if you show up and play well you will receive loot. We also run MS>OS for Karazhan depending on group consensus, and will use a thatsmybis to confirm people’s gear interests.


  • Discord.
  • Good Attitude.
  • No Drama.
  • Open to Constructive Criticism.

What you can expect from us:

  • Organized leadership with years of experience in leading successful guilds on both private servers and retail WoW.
  • A group of players that wishes to progress through the content at an efficient and casual pace.
  • Fair and transparent loot system based on characteristics listed above.
  • Open exchange of ideas regarding raid strategy, setup, and tactics.

Guild info:

  • Raid days are Friday and Sunday evenings 6 PM CST (7 PM Server Time) through [usually] 9 PM CST (10 PM Server Time)
  • 10 mans like Karazhan and Zul’Aman will eventually be switched to off-days (like Saturday) once the available content is mostly 25-man.
  • Raids may be extended by a few minutes if the raiders wish to do another pull or two.

Currently recruiting:

  • Mainly shamans (elemental and enhancement).
  • One non-paladin tank!
  • Note: Any good player is encouraged to reach out, exceptions can always be made!

For more info please contact Aeriyael#8649, Scradley#7081 or Modwolf#0348