[A] <Kingdom> 9/9 AQ40 LF 1 DPS and 1 Healer for Late Night Raid Team 10pm-1am PST Mon, Tues, Thurs

Guild Name: Kingdom
Faction: Alliance
Server: Atiesh
Raid Times: Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday at 10:00 PM - 1:00 AM PST
Progression: 10/10 MC | 1/1 ONY | 8/8 BWL | 9/9 AQ40

About Us:
Kingdom is a mature late night raiding guild, our primary goal is to quickly and efficiently clear content while also having fun, where our members look forward to logging in each night. We are looking for highly skilled and motivated players that want to be part of our team and build long lasting friendships. There is much more information available in our discord. Very non-PC, degenerates, insomniacs, and alcoholics welcome.

Loot Rules: Kingdom uses Suicide Kings which is a list based priority loot system, whoever is on top of the list gets priority over those below them on the list. Once someone gets a piece of gear they “commit suicide” and move to the bottom of the list.

Core Raid - One Healer (Dwarf Priest Preferred) and One DPS (Warlock Preferred)

Alt / Aux team focused on ZG and MC - All classes

All exceptional players are encouraged to contact us for further discussion.

Thejolly | BNet bossmage#11451 | Disc Bossmage#7124

Vehemenz | BNet deckloot#3030 | Disc DeckLoot#3030
Andant | BNet demonbird#1693 | Disc demonbird#5830
