A kind message to Blizzard <3

Can you please stop putting fools in charge of fun-management?

Thank you.


I just wonder why they’re so reluctant to just open the gates and let us all go ham. They’re trying so hard to create some sort of balance that will never exist, unless they take action against people who didn’t do anything wrong other than optimizing a poorly-designed system.

There’s no reason to keep everyone else gated.


I can’t believe this has been out for a week and they still have not fixed even half the number of bugs present.

What is going on.

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Small indie dev, multi-dollar company.

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Everything with this company is trial and error, nerfs have to keep coming in because they just can’t get it right. This gamemode supposed to be fun. Let the enemies drop lesser charms as they were intended. Let people get 90k stamina. Who cares!


No, you’re asking for too much. Better ask for a new mount for the store.

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