[A] [Kel'Thuzad] <Exclusive Outcasts> CE GUILD - Wed/Thurs. TWW Recruiting!

Hey you!
We need you and you need us!
10.1 is coming soon and you don’t want to be caught without a raid team.
If you like memeing guys named julian then this is the place for you.

P.S. We also play Stardew Valley at a high level.

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Farmers indeed!! 10.1 hype!! Join us :smiley:

BROOD IS DEAD!! :smiley: join us!!!

Hello I am a BM Hunter 417 Ilvl and I am interested in Raiding My hunter pumps and I does mechanics Hit me up on bnet or discord would love to chat Todd#8234 on discord and bnet is ToddBell#1759

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hello im defietely interested in your guild. quick notes about me. civilian contractor. im deployed for a couple more weeks. i pugged my vengeance dh to 2500 but decided to go the rogue route. im currently 2804 and pugged nearly the whole way. i love some of the people in my current guild but im not sure if we are going anywhere next patch. i was reading some comments and a big pet peeve of mine is other folks not putting in time. totally understandable there are other things in life. no prob. but you cant get mad when guild wants to m prog but you cant finish a 10 key or aotc or general heroic bosses for whatever reason. anyways certainly interested. ill be back in the states the 23rd. hope to hear from you folks.


bloodynine - laughing skull

have a great one

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hello im defietely interested in your guild. quick notes about me. civilian contractor. im deployed for a couple more weeks. i pugged my vengeance dh to 2500 but decided to go the rogue route. im currently 2804 and pugged nearly the whole way. i love some of the people in my current guild but im not sure if we are going anywhere next patch. i was reading some comments and a big pet peeve of mine is other folks not putting in time. totally understandable there are other things in life. no prob. but you cant get mad when guild wants to m prog but you cant finish a 10 key or aotc or general heroic bosses for whatever reason. anyways certainly interested. ill be back in the states the 23rd. hope to hear from you folks.


bloodynine - laughing skull

have a great one

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Still open for recruiting!

couldnt get you on disc but sent you one on battlenet to chat. says its still pending friend. hope to hear back from you… grats on brood kill

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Y’all should message the gm. Even if it’s just hate mail.

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Open recruiting for 10.1! Looking for a DH. Competitive players, and fillers/bench players!

Join us!! Looking for a dh for 10.1

I will check tonight I apologize!

Bumping despite Iggle gkicking me

Looking for an enhancement shaman!

Spots are competitive! looking for all!

Main roster is set for mythic now. Changes can be made. Looking for competitive raiders and bench/subs

Looking for bench/fill players for mythic! :smiley: message us

Imagine not putting 4/9m on our recruitment smh

I need raiders! join us :smiley:

ayo rashok 4% wipe sadge