[A] [Kel'Thuzad] <Exclusive Outcasts> CE GUILD - Wed/Thurs. TWW Recruiting!

Bumping because my guild leader said to. nervously reading que cards this guild is great and we do lots of good stuff and always listen and always have fun and never not kill bosses and stuff so join exclusive outcasts this is a paid statement and mandated by king Julian.

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Looking for raiders!!! JOin us!

Enhancement shamans, ret pally, shadow priest, potential off spec healer! Message me!!

Hey a friend and I came across this post and we got really invested in this so we looked up your guild’s log data from SOTFO heroic farm at the time, found his character and current character and wanted to provide another data point and say that what you guys said was probably justified :smile:

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Is this complement? Lmao ALSO! Join us! Looking for raiders :))

Wtb a healer. We’re 5/8m

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LF healer/dps/bench players!

Join us!! Dathea is almost dead!!

tried adding you on discord and it wont work, add me plz: Brett#4277

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Will do friend!! Just saw this

Recruitment words

join us! We need a dk :slight_smile:

Bump!! :slight_smile: join us!

Join us!! Still going strong :slight_smile:

Join us!! BUMP :smiley:

Bump!! Recruiting for 10.1. :slight_smile: still raiding at this time as well!

hi!! join us :smiley:

Join us!!! :slight_smile: 5/8 mythic

DATHEA IS DEAD!! Join us :smiley:

6/8. 50% prog on brood :slight_smile: