I’m a Kara geared holy pally (exp. 11/11) currently looking for a daytime or evening (PST) 25 man raiding guild to join and call home. I can raid any day of the week between 7:00 AM – 3:00 PM and 7:30 PM PST or later but do prefer raiding on weekdays if possible. I am more than happy to server transfer.
I cleared all TBC content when it was live years ago and am excited to do it again. If you’re interested, please add me on bnet (Des#12939) or on Discord (Des#1663).
Hey there! Have you found a home yet? We are looking for a holy pally! We raid 9-12 est on sun and mon! We have cleared all content and have organized kara runs!
Feel free to message me on discord at kapluenkk#6007
< Recklessly Ambitious > (Netherwind) is running four separate 25 man raid teams. We have cleared all content and run around 10 kara runs per week. We always have plenty of active people online to run stuff with!