We are currently recruiting dedicated players for our one and only core raid for Blackwing Lair, Molten Core and Onyxia farm. We intend to further our progression into future content and clear everything Classic WoW has to offer.
Raid times are currently Wednesday and Sunday 7pm SVT
<Kamikaze> are made up of players with WoW experience from Vanilla all the way through to Mythic raiding in current content.
Our players all share knowledge in every aspect of the game, from end game raiding, gold farming strats, PVP and everything in between.
Fun facts :
It is illegal to have more than 50 kilograms of potatoes in Western Australia
8/8 BWL on first week of phase 3.
Our GM and some of the founding members were present in the Oceanic First Ragnaros kill
Fast MC Clears
Cross gambling and death rolls!
Group farming sessions.
Epic banter and memelords.
Our Goals:
Have fun. Why play if you are not having fun?
To raid efficiently with a positive mindset toward clearing content
Maintaining a great atmosphere and community with in our guild inside and outside of guild raid times.
Although we don’t require you to have full world buffs and every flask and consumable known to mankind, we do ask that you come prepared enough to help yourself and the healers (Bandaids, healthpots, elixirs and such. We will usually clear a DMT for those who want the buffs and of course collect Ony buff from Stormwind before heading out to slay some dragons.)
Be skilled at your class and willing to improve to better help your self and the guild.
Be able to take constructive criticism and do what is asked.
Come prepared for raids with required consumables and world buffs to contribute to a more efficient clear.
Be active in the guild outside of raiding (please, no raid logging because you’re actually an alt of another guild)
If this is something you would like to be apart of then please contact Realm, Arcanemist or Boatfrog in game for a chat or join us on discord discord.gg/wVZgv5t