Kalm Is a newly reformed guild on Frostmourne with the sole purpose of claiming cutting edge raiding every tier while enjoying the game with likeminded people.
Formed via a group of players with a vast history in wow with many years of experience of raiding together from CE to Hall of fame we plan to keep a fun, relaxed, progression minded raiding environment.
The core of this team have been around together for a while & form a solid foundation to keep this guild grounded & pushing for more whilst committing to our 2-night schedule.
While we enjoy having fun & plenty of banter (as let’s face it, after 19 years of wow you need to have fun while hitting dragons in the face) Cutting edge is the main focus & we plan to achieve that every tier.
Raid Schedule: Wednesday: 7.45- 11pm AEST Thursday: 7.45- 10.30pm AEST
During the first 3 weeks of a new raid tier we will raid Monday 7.45-10.30pm AEST
We require 90% attendance during progression, most of us have kids & work full time but that’s why we raid 2x a week. we understand life happens sometimes.
Tanks: closed
Closed (amazing melee considered)
(Any amazing dps considered)
Closed (amazing healers considered)
Regardless of recruitment we are chasing solid players & can work around any class/spec. We pick player over class; this is important to us & our raid environment for longevity of the guild & our enjoyable atmosphere.
To discuss recruitment please add:
Dana#11740 (Bnet) Dana#0069 (discord)
Khumo#11603 (Bnet) Khumo#4918 (Discord)
Alternatively Fill out an application form & we can get back to you shortly after & skipped all the back & fourth via chat.
Please note, while we have started the process to recruit & form, we are mainly focused on next tier.