[A] <Judge Wisdom> Semicore Raiding/Social Members Welcome

| Semicore Raiding | Social Members Welcome

We are looking for like-minded individuals to fill our 25 man raiding team and Karazhan teams. Social members are always welcome.

0/3 (First run this Friday 8/6)

About Us
Judge Wisdom is a raiding guild that aims to have fun while still getting meaningful progression done. Our core team consists of a mostly 15+ year WoW veterans who started raiding back in the Vanilla/TBC.

Raid Information
We use a MS>OS for our Kara and a SR system for our 25-man runs. Currently our raids are Friday Nights 25-man content and the Tue/Saturday/Sun 10man Karazhan with the goal to have both Friday and Saturday be our raid nights for the 25-man content for SSC and beyond raids.


Karazhan Team 1 (Saturday 10pm-1am):

Karazhan Team 2 (Tuesday 10pm-1am):
2 Tanks
1 Healer (Pally/Druid/Shaman)

Karazhan Team 3 (Sunday 7:30pm-10:30pm)
1 Tank (Pally/Druid)
4 DPS (Hunter, Mage, Shaman,SPriest)

Gruul’s/Mags (Friday 10pm-1am):
1 Tank (Druid)
1 Healer (Shaman/Pally)
5 DPS (Shaman/SPriest/Feral/Surv Hunter/Mage)

Contact Us:
Mely: Melyodas#11578 - BNet / @Mely
Zolan: IrateAdmin#1642 - BNet / @Zolan
Snabby: Amelioo#1115 - BNet / @Snabby
Randyll: Azure#1884 - BNet/ @Randyll

Edited with better detail