A Journey to Rank 10

Greetings, Earthfury,

I haven’t made a post about PVP since Thanksgiving holiday, and, as such, I found it fitting to share a small piece I’ve stitched together for everyone’s viewing pleasure.

This is the first PVP video I’ve ever made, it’s a dash through time comprised of active PVP in AV/World ranging from Thanksgiving through about 4 weeks ago when I hit target (Rank 10). Ranking takes a loooonng time when one succombs to a 40-50hour workweek /shrug…

I hope everyone enjoys, I know it was definitely a pleasure freezing, burning and annoying as many Alliance as possible /smirk

Until next time, Earthfury,

  • Special thanks to my guild, Excommunicado, for motivating me to make this piece, I couldn’t have done it without you! -

Thanks for sharing your video here! There were some good scenes. I always wanted to make one of these but never got around to it.

The two druids that I noticed were terrible. Especially the Felwood one. WTF was that person doing. I don’t claim to be perfect but just… no…

Thanks, Mootwo!

It was fun piecing everything together, I tried to choreograph everything as best I could, yet I am definitely novice. Glad you enjoyed, and, yes, the druids in question… I had no idea what they were doing, but I’ll happily take free honor whenever I can /smile.

If there’s still a thought that says ‘make a PVP video’, I would encourage you to do so. It is great fun, and I’d really like to see a REAL druid in action!

I’ll see you on the battlements, bud. Or… lingering about Org /cheer!

  • Kidsmealll

And you turned off comments. :rofl:

And Mootwo, judging a druid by one encounter. WTF is wrong with you? I’ve had plenty of off times in wpvp. Or do you think you’re perfect and never laughed at by other players? I’m sure you’re in someone’s pvp video and they’re laughing at you.

That is what it is and part of why the original BGs with only the same server versus its own opposing faction were the best. You actually learned if someone was decent. There were plenty of bad moments by the people in this one including Kidsmeal himself. A few times he’d have been a free HK if not for bad decisions by his opponents, but most were one time fights so we get little other than online epeen stroking over a video game. :rofl:

Enjoy your rank! Maybe if I ever get a pay raise and can quit working overtime every week I can push a rank while raiding. :slight_smile:

Alsoria, yes I was a bit harsh about the Felwood druid in general. Still, they did not play that well. Now to be fair, they may just not be a pvper and just saw someone getting attacked and tried to help. Maybe they aren’t experienced and did not know what to do against a mage and still tried, so that’s commendable.

And yes I’ve watched myself be stunlocked to death on video among other things. I absolutely have played things wrong before and died a lot, so again I am in no way perfect and will never say I am. Mages though druids are pretty strong against esp if it’s a 2v1.

Druids can be strong, but sometimes you pop into help in wpvp and logic and reason leaves you. That happens often when I’m listening to music. Luckily, I live in between raids and Gnomergan currently. I’m addicted to MCPs.

I enjoyed it. Was p good. Sadly not enough wpvp in it.