Hello! Jennaco Crime Family is currently 4/8 Heroic Uldir!
We are currently seeking Ranged DPS of all classes, As well as a skilled Holy pally!
We raid Tues/Wed 9-12 PM EST. We are a laid back group that has fun and gets stuff done.
18+ years old is a must!
If you can make raid consistently and would like to progress through Uldir and future raids hit me up for any questions and info!
Still in need of healers and Ranged dps!
If you still need a Holy Paladin I am looking for a raiding guild, I'm on Uther and those days/hours are perfect for me.
I have a resto druid and holy pally but in a family guild with my husband and son - will you invite non-guildies to your runs, or joining guild is a must?