If you are looking for a solid place to call home that focuses more on the quality of the person than what color your parses are, consider making Infinity your guild home. We are a casual to semi-casual raiding guild. We focus on clearing content as a team, at our own pace, and enjoying our $15 a month. We are currently recruiting any and all players who are looking for a home for WOTLK. 25 man raids are on hold until pre-patch, at which point we hope to finish BT (7/9) and perhaps step a toe into SWP.
Our plan for Wrath is to have dedicated 10 man rosters and do 25 man signups on our off nights. Raid nights still TBD, but unlikely to involve weekends. Current raid nights are Tues/Thurs from 8 to 11 server.
If you are interested in an active, casual environment that still raids, please /who infinity and talk to any member, or you can message me directly in game (Lorani/Fuschia) or on Discord at Fuschia#5003.
Thanks for reading!
GM, Infinity
Hey I’m definitely interested. I added you on discord just now.
Oh I got the notification before I thought to check here! lol I accepted, so feel free to message me any time.
Are you looking for a low pressure, fun, and friendly group of people to hang with?
If so, you’ve come to the right place! We are a casual and group oriented guild with the desire to progress through content in a low pressure environment. We want to enjoy ourselves and down bosses together as friends rather than a group of people that just raids together. If that sounds like what you are looking for, please /who Infinity and talk to any member. You can also direct message me (Caliblonde) or our GM (Lorani/Fuscia) in game or on Discord (Caliblonde#1878 or Fuschia#500).
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If you’re reading and considering:
I wondered if I’d find a low-key, high-dedication guild like the one I raided with years ago in retail. I ran across Infinity last summer and never looked back. These folks are the real deal – generous, fair and friendly. And shoot, funny, too.
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We love our Aedi! <3
We are currently actively seeking the following for immediate raid spots:
Mage (arcane/fire/ffb)
Shadow priest
Resto shaman
We are not performance based. All we ask is that you are prepared, reliable, willing to do your research and listen to feedback.
We are also actively recruiting any non-plate dps or healer who is interested in being part of our bench. If you are interested in making the occasional foray into Ulduar with a great group of fun people, we would LOVE to talk to you!