[A] Inexperienced player looking for a guild to help him learn rDPS and possibly healing in raids


I am a man in his 30s who has been playing wow off and on casually since Cata who’s finally ready to give raiding with a guild a try. Currently my only experience is doing some Raid Finder stuff in Shadowlands.

I am most interested in playing ranged dps at first and maybe picking up healing later on. Classes I’m most interested in are as follows but am open to others to fit the guild’s needs;

Evoker (any spec)
Elemental Shaman (and maybe resto later)
Boomkin (and maybe resto later)
Warlock (any spec)

I have availability for any EST evenings W-Sun

If interested you can reply or message here or DM me on discord (tyler420xd)

Thanks for reading!