[A] <Inertia> 2/9M T/W 8-11PM PST LF WW & RDPS

Raid Days
T/W 8-11PM PST Invites start @ 7:30PM

We schedule one night per week to push keys, but will run them as often as possible.

Sundays 8PM-11PM PST

What we expect from an applicant
-On time
-Ability to give and receive criticism
-Knowing the fights before coming to raid
-Being able to adapt and learn fights quickly

What we need

RDPS- Shadow Priest, Mage, Boomkin. Will give priority to someone who can offspec heals.

Strong applicants for any role will be considered and are encouraged to apply.

Our end goal is to clear mythic level raids, high end M+, and be competitive in RBGs.

Reply here, or reach out to one of the following officers:

We’re 6/8m now! Join us for Dazaralor!

Still recruiting!

Still looking for more players

Still recruiting.

This. <3<3

Join us for Dazar!

Still recruiting

Still looking for more players.

Up! Still recruiting! :slight_smile:

highly interested i have a 410 MW monk and a 405 priest i can play shadow on or holy, 3/9 myth exp and AOTC. kyoshioka#1531