Greetings Kil’hoofians!
is currently 3/9 heroic Dazar’Alor, and we’re looking for a couple dps for when we begin pushing into mythic raiding. We just need a few more progression oriented individuals to round out our roster!
Currently Recruiting:
Healers: CLOSED
Ranged DPS: OPEN
Raid Schedule:
Friday: 7:30pm PST
Saturday: 6:30pm PST
~ Our current objective is to maintain getting AoTC each tier, as we have for several expansions, and progress into mythic raiding starting next tier.
In addition to raiding, we have several active members that also enjoy mythic+ dungeons, grouping for world quests/faction assaults, etc. throughout the week.
Our expectations:
- Play your chosen specialization proficiently
- Tanks/Healers are expected to also be proficient in at least one of their dps specs.
- Be on at raid time, ready to go. Flasks/Food are provided
- Be respectful of fellow players.
- Be willing to learn! We are open to helping newer players, or those returning to the game, get into raiding shape; we’re happy to mold if you’re open to learn!
We’re a pretty easy going guild, we have raid leadership with high end experience and we can’t wait to progress into the next tier. If you’re interested in joining, please contact:
Kevinsorbo-Winterhoof or on Real ID Rummy#1928
Sushiemi-Kilrogg or on Real ID Sushie#1780